1. Effective Supervision

The most critical line of defense is adult supervision. A majority of water accidents and drownings happen when children are not supposed to be near the water. If your child is ever missing, look in ALL places with water first.

2. Pool Fences

Install a permanent 4-sided fence with self-locking gates. Ensure that the pool fence is at least 3-5 feet from the pool edge. 

3. Locks & Alarms

Make sure all doors and windows, especially ones leading to the pool area, are locked and alarmed. Consider additional options such as an in-water alarm and/or child safety latches on doors.

4. Survival Swimming Lessons

A moment’s inattention does not have to cost a child his/her life. ISR’s Self-Rescue® training is an added layer of protection, teaching your child water survival skills in a completely safe environment.

5. CPR

If an emergency happens, it is essential parents and families are prepared. Learn to perform CPR on children and adults and remember to update those skills regularly.

ISR believes that pool fences, supervision, and pool alarms are important parts of a necessary, multi-layered approach to drowning prevention.

— JoAnn Barnett, ISR SMI, President & CEO of Infant Swimming Resource